Our Vision

At Arithmic, we are building a state-of-the-art, hardware-accelerated Universal Layer-2 scaling protocol equipped with native restaking, for Ethereum AND Bitcoin. Our goal is to make blockchain and crypto-based financial technologies scale to billions of users while retaining aspects of privacy, security and digital trust.

How can we move people from being 
crypto-cautious to crypto-confident and lead the evolution to a bold, new crypto future?

We believe that this can be achieved using powerful math-based cryptographic techniques emerging from the zero-knowledge space. Additionally, we believe this can be moulded into a truly lucrative experience for our users by providing stable staking returns on their bridged crypto assets - irrespective of prevailing market conditions. We also have plans to build custom ASICs for even greater scale in the coming years. The power of zero-knowledge protocols will be truly disruptive and we intend to be at the forefront of this technological revolution.

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